Dennington Jubilee Village Hall
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Dennington has had a village hall since 1985. It was a great success and was a popular venue for many groups and events over the years. However, it was in need of some updates and it was decided to try to raise funds. After a substantial refurbishment process costing over £275,000 and the Hall was reopened in January 2019. The Hall is looking amazing and now has a state-of-the-art heating system, brilliant lighting, a massive picture window at the north end allowing natural light to stream in and a new floor, making the whole hall look amazing – available for stage productions (we have a portable stage), weddings, dinners, discos, concerts, wakes and sports functions of all types i.e. badminton, volley ball and children’s indoor football.

The committee room suitable for smaller meetings
The Dennington Email list is managed by the Village Hall, as is the Village Newsletter, and we seek to keep those who are on the list updated with all events occurring within the village, whether associated with the Hall or not. We also send out information as requested by the Parish Council and other village organisations. A PDF of the Dennington News will be forwarded quarterly. You can unsubscribe at any time by pressing the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any of the emails you may receive.
If you would like to join the email list for Village News from James Maberly, please click on this link

Report to the Dennington Annual Parish Meeting – May 2023
During the 12 month period from March 2022 – March 2023 we have seen a continued use of the Village Hall, with regular hirers continuing to fill slots on most days from Upholstery to Dance and WI to Horticultural Club. A varied use of which we appreciate.
We celebrated the Platinum Jubilee for the late Queen Elizabeth II and the Village Hall provided the central space for celebrations (and welcome from the inclement weather) . The Community Spirit and Team work during this time was notable and my thanks go to all who worked so hard to put the event together.
Maintenance remains an ongoing challenge, both in terms of cost and time, but those who have an active role with the Hall are dedicated in their volunteer capacity in keeping on top of matters - fixing drain covers, putting bins out or replacing loo seats. Looking ahead, the kitchen floor is soon to be replaced as well as improvements to the Bar area in order to be in a position to use these more actively.
Given the size and capacity of the Village Hall, we remain a popular choice for many - the ability to offer outdoor space as well as comfortable facilities inside is appealing. Even with the opening of the Community Rooms in Framlingham our hiring has not been affected. However, over the past 12 months we have reviewed our hiring costs and have had to raise them slightly to reflect the increase in running costs, primarily linked to the cost of electricity.
Our greatest challenge moving forward remains the issues with a few leaks in the roof – of which a potential full replacement is required. We will shortly begin a process for gathering quotes for this substantial piece of work . This will have a potential impact on use and desirability of the Hall.
At the start of 2023 we were delighted to launch a series of ‘Friday Social’ events aimed to provide a reasonably priced meal as well as a social gathering to meet village d. These events have proven to be popular with approximately 40 -50 in attendance on each occasion. The aim was to provide Community Space and Community friendship. The theme will continue once a month for the foreseeable future. The intention has been to cover costs and not to make a profit, but to cover costs thus allowing us to reach out to our community during the difficult cost of living crisis we face.
Financial Position
Financially we remain in a strong position , with excess of £30k in the bank. This position is primarily due to the Covid 19 Grants that have been awarded and that have not yet been spent. However, the planned maintenance work will take up most if not all of our reserves. Maintaining our hiring position is vital for the future in order that our income is regular and consistent.
Roles and Responsibilities
We welcomed new personnel this year, including Financial Controller and Booking Manager. Whilst neither role is a Trustee , the support and hardwork that they carry out in aiding the Trustees is to be noted.
Moving Forward
We continue to work as a group of Trustees to maintain and run the Hall efficiently and are pro-actively seeking ways to keep the Hall up to date and attractive to all. We welcome any new ideas and ways to work in partnership with other Community Groups to fulfil this.
As ever, we could not operate without the efforts of the Trustees who give up their time and energy to support the management of the Hall for the Community . I would like to note thanks to each and every one of them for their endeavours.
Jo Cartwright Chair of Trustees