Home > Clubs and Organisations

Clubs and Organisations

Dennington is a small village, but we have plenty of activities for residents to take part in.

News from the clubs and organizations are on the list at the side of the page.

There is an active Safer Neighbourhood Team in the area. Click here to be directed to Safer Neighbourhood Team for Dennington and read the latest newsletter.




All the dates are Thursday mornings and start at 10.30am in the Committee Room of the village hall. It is an opportunity to meet and chat with various people from the village and, perhaps, make new friends - especially those who are new to the village. You don't have to stay for the whole time - just pop in!

Dates for 2024:

18th July
1st August
15th August
29th August
12th September
29th September

Please put the dates in your diary and join us if you can.

You’ll be assured of a very warm welcome.



Leiston Mobile Library (route 5) is operating as normal.

Dates for 2024:

2nd August
30th August
27th September
25th October
22nd November
20th December

The Leiston library van stops at Dennington Square every four weeks on a Friday between 10.35 and 11.05.

If you miss this at Dennington the bus also stops at Brundish Crown on same day between 11.20 and 11.35.

 Find out more from Suffolk Libraries Website