Dennington's Jubilee Picnic was held on Sunday 5th June. Following the bells being rung out to summon people to Church, a large number of villagers attended a short service. The Church was decorated with flowers from the WI and Church Flower Arrangers:
The Church had also been decorated with pieces of art work from the pupils of Dennington Primary School:
The Queen's Stamps!
After some tea and biscuits, attention moved to the dedication of the Jubilee Oak Tree on the village green. Robert Rous read from the Queen's Canopy project and Adrian Neill thanked all who helped, including Mr and Mrs Archard who donated the tree guard.
From left, Adrian Neill, Robert Rous and Robert Wardley
The Jubilee Tree
Everyone then moved over to the Hall for their picnic, games and competitions!
Most people had their picnic in the Hall as it was rather chilly!
Games and Competitions included the Three-legged Race and a Jubilee Bake Off for the best chocolate cake, as well as the Best Decorated House in the Village:
The judges said it was a difficult decision but, in the end, this cake won first prize:
This house won joint first prize in the Best Decorated House competition:
The Jubilee Cake was cut by Sheila Missen and everyone had tea and cake.
It was kindly made and donated by Vashti, from the Neathouse:
Following the speeches and awards, people went to the Art Trails to round off a fantastic day!
Some households were asked to decorate and display Crowns around the village. Here are some of them brought together for display in Church, along with some photos and memorabilia of historic Dennington: