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Feb. 25 - Aug. 24, 2024

  • Community policing engagement

    Sat, Aug. 3, 2024 10:00am — 12:00pm

    Everyone is welcome to come along, meet your local policing team and raise any issues you might have.

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  • Women's Institute

    Wed, Aug. 14, 2024 7:30pm

    WI meets on the second Wednesday of the month. For more details, please go to WI page.

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    Additional Dates for this Event:

  • Coffee Morning

    Thu, Aug. 15, 2024 10:30am — 12:00pm

    Everyone is welcome to come along to the Coffee Morning. There is always delicious cake with refreshments and the opportunity to meet and chat with people from the village and surrounding areas. Come along and give it a try - you will be very welcome!

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    Additional Dates for this Event:

  • Summer Art Exhibition 2024

    Aug. 24, 2024 - Aug. 28, 2023 10:00am — 4:00pm

    For more information, please go to: https://denningtonarts.co.uk/2024-exhibition

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